Tid Bits

On March 27, 2010, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Jimmy Del Ponte
On The Silly Side

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

Remember those small, cheesy crackers that were shaped like tiny submarines sandwiches? They were made by Nabisco, and they were the cousin of the Cheez-it. I loved them and now they are gone. They came in a little box and also in a big box and they were very tasty. It has left a void in my snack repertoire. But I am not going to write this entire column about little cheesy snack crackers – I am going to write little tid-bits of information and stories. I am going to toss out some names, facts and situations – and see what sticks.

We recently lost football legend and actor (Little House, Father Murphy) Merlin Olsen. Did you know that back in the early 80's, he and his broadcast booth partner Dick Enberg from CBS were in town to call a Patriots game? They had a habit of driving from their hotel in search of neighborhood bars to pop into. One day they randomly picked The Embassy Lounge on Somerville Ave (formerly Sky Bar, presently China Delight). They came in and had a few beers and hung out with the client√®le. Merlin even filled up the ice bucket and dumped it in the bin behind the bar. They were in there for about two hours – it was an exciting day. Someone put two quarters in the juke box and played my old band, the Tool's (formerly Shadowfax), record – both sides – "Spark 'em up" and "Love My Money." It was a great day. Okay, it was me who played them!

I once was given a one hundred dollar bill to play the Rolling Stone's hit "Miss You" for a full 15 minutes. The other band members were looking at me like I had two heads as the song went on and on – I stuffed the c-note in my pocket and I bought the band a round.

Remember that round Somerville Police gizmo that was wheeled out into the center of Davis Square back in the day? Cops would step up into it and direct traffic. One day my friends dared me to get into it and direct traffic, and I did. My friend Stevie took a picture of me and I hope I can find it someday.

One of my many jobs was manning the "Seafood Stop" at Logan Airport, many years ago. One day actor/comedian Jerry Stiller (Seinfeld, King of Queens) popped by. He ordered a soda and a snack. I told him I was a big fan – we chatted a bit and he gave me an autograph. What a nice guy. That job lasted all of one day. That's when I learned that I couldn't work where I had free access to a beer tap.

On Monday March 8th, All America City Day, I shook Governor Deval Patrick's hand twice! Once on the way in and once on the way out. The second time I said, "thanks for coming Deval!" All of a sudden I became very familiar with his honor.

Two very popular musicians (one is actually a superstar) were in a Jeep driving back from a concert at Tufts University about 35 years ago. One was driving and one was passed out or sleeping in the back. The one who was driving autographed a dollar bill for me. I framed it and hung it in my bedroom. It was there until some slug friend of my sister's actually stole it.

Here's the best little tid bit of all… On April 10th, there will be a dedication at the corner of Elmwood Street and Elmwood Terrace designating "Del Ponte Square." My grandfather, dad and uncle will all be honored. The plaque will be across from the house my grandparents, my dad, aunts and uncle grew up. There will be more to come in this column on this momentous occasion. Right now I am trying to think of what stores I would like to see in Del Ponte Square.

Imagine a Woolworths or W.T. Grant? Maybe we can just re-open the little store that was around the corner on Cameron Avenue…I'm pretty sure "Jakes" sold tid-bits. You can email Jimmy directly at: jimmydel@rcn.com.


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