Welcoming the Co-Incidence Festival

On January 9, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

An experimental music gathering in Somerville

The Co-Incidence Festival is a gathering of experimental composer-performers for ten days hosted by Non-Event at Washington St. Gallery in Somerville.

The project is based on an expanded view of what constitutes art, music, and the traditional concert. Following the example of the revolutionary arts community Black Mountain College, it will bring together a group of radical artists operating in the boundary-zones of their practice to take part in a residency curated as “social sculpture.”

Reflecting the values of experimental music, Co-Incidence will be allowed to grow organically, strongly influenced by the artists who attend: the directors simply provide a time, space, and loose framework.

This year, the festival will follow a set of maps that score the flow of concepts and events, by way of nomadic movement through the structure of the Residency. Only certain major meeting points (arrival, departure, a couple pre-scheduled concerts) will be predetermined. the structure of the festival will be centered on daily conversations led by Sarah, and other impromptu events as they are determined collectively.

The “official” concerts this year, all at Washington Street Art Center, are scheduled as follows:

Welcome Concert: Friday, January 11, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Featuring pieces by Sarah Pitan, Jennie Gottschalk, Chris Strunk, and Nilo Goldfarb. This one has 4 pieces happening concurrently in WSAC and outside around the Center. This will be a big event and, hopefully, a great kick-off to the Festival.


Guest Artist Showcase #1: Saturday, January 12, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Featuring 10-min pieces by 5 of the Co-Incidence Artists. A straight-up show that should be fun featuring John Eagle, Joachim Eckl, Jordan Dykstra, Clara Allison, and Tim Tsang.


Guest Artist Showcase #2: Sunday, January 13, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Same deal, but the other 5 artists (of 10 total): Michael Pisaro, Aaron Foster Breilyn, Derek Baron, Angeles Rojas, and Luke Martin.


Final Concert: Saturday, January 19, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.

This one is in progress of “coming together.” It will feature documentations from throughout the week and a collaborative piece cooked up by all of the artists throughout the week.


For more information about the festival visit the website at http://www.coincidencefestival.com.


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