Letter to the Editor October 27

On October 27, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

To the Editor,

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

We can now confirm that Pat Jehlen is a Socialist not a traditional Democrat. With timing meant to avoid public scrutiny, she has been endorsed by The Democrats Socialists of America (DSA), a self-declared Marxist political organization dedicated to disrupting our democratic system of checks and balances in Government. They also congratulated her for co-chairing several DSA fundraisers.

In an article published earlier in this campaign, I was attacked for stating that Patricia Jehlen is not a typical Democrat and that she represents the extreme left wing of the the Democratic party. I am now vindicated by the endorsement of Pat Jehlen by the Marxist DSA.

Does this imply that most Massachusetts Democrats are Marxists or socialists? Certainly not! However, it is alarming that he Democratic Party is quietly being infiltrated by extremists like Senator Jehlen and disguising themselves as traditional Democrats. Most registered Democrats consider JFK as a traditional Democrat; and, as such, would consider themselves also as traditional Democrats. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Pat Jehlen is no JFK Democrat and represents an extreme element of the party.

I am running as a moderate Republican who is fiscally conservative and socially moderate. After talking to thousands of people throughout the district, most people agree with my views and positions regardless of their party affiliation. If elected, I will be committed to:

  1. A rollback of income and sales tax to 5%.
  2. The Support and sponsorship of legislation allowing businesses tax and other incentives resulting in job growth.
  3. The reduction of State spending by reforming pension, illegal immigration, and anti-privatization policies and legislation.

Our choices are: the status quo of continuous tax increases, poor fiscal management, and increasing budget deficit under Patricia Jehlen’s reign; or, join me in a new initiative to grow Massachusetts businesses, cut Government waste, and restore local aid through prudent fiscal management. I kindly ask you for your vote on Nov. 2.

David Carnevale

Massachusetts Ave.


Candidate for State Senate 2nd Middlesex


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