George Rosatone is a freshman at Endicott College in Beverly, MA. He grew up in Woburn, MA, where he first developed his passion for writing and photography. Currently, he spends his time writing poetry, short stories, and working on photography projects, with hopes of one day finding his path as a film director.

George Rosatone
How do I write something
that appeals to everyone?
Do I write about my innermost feelings,
whilst staying broad enough
to still be relatable?
Do I slip in layered metaphors
so the poetry fanatics
have something to unearth?
Do I repeatedly allude
back to other literary
classics, figures, and moments?
Do I speak of
love, grief, fear, lust,
even when there is none?
Do I degrade myself into
nothing more than a mirror
for any reader to see
themselves in,
rather than display a
portrait of myself?
Do I say what wants
to be heard so as
not to waste any time?
Do I speak of
red roses and blue violets?
Do I abuse the “enter” key and align left,
or do I keep my pride and starve?
— George Rosatone
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143