Letter to the Editor – 10/20

On October 21, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

To the Editor:

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

The Somerville School Committee has taken a firm stand in opposing Questions #1 and #3 that will be on the ballot on November 2nd.  We ask all voters in Somerville to Vote NO on these questions.
Question #1 would eliminate the sales tax on alcoholic beverages. In 2009, the State Legislature removed the special status exemption given to beer, wine and alcohol products sold in package stores and made these sales subject to the state sales tax like most other goods.
Question #3 would reduce the state sales tax from 6.25% to 3%, creating an enormous $2.5 Billion hole in the State budget. How will this hole be filled? It is inevitable that it would come out of aid that helps support local services and education in Somerville.
If these questions pass, Somerville would very likely lose over $2.3 million in School Aid and over $2.4 million in Unrestricted General Government Aid.
Such a severe cut in funding for local schools – coupled with the elimination of Federal ARRA funds – would hurt our children and would damage our efforts to provide high quality education to our children.
As a School Committee, we ask you to please VOTE NO on Questions #1 and #3.
Somerville School Committee
Mark Niedergang, Chairman, Ward 5
Adam Sweeting, Vice Chairman, Ward 3
Maureen Bastardi, Ward 1
Teresa Cardoso, Ward 2
Christine Rafal, Ward 4
Paul Bockelman, Ward 6
Mary Jo Rossetti, Ward 7
Jack Connolly, President, Board of Aldermen
Joseph Curtatone, Mayor


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