L to R: Dartmouth Guarini School Dean F. Jon Kull, Dr. Don Pease, Phil Privitera, Dean Lee Coffin, and Payton Privitera.
By Francis J. Kautz, Esq.
On Thursday, August 16, Dartmouth College held a dinner honoring Somerville Attorney Philip J. Privitera. Privitera earned both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree from Dartmouth, and remains an active Dartmouth Alumnus serving on the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Alumni Council.
Dr. Donald E. Pease, Jr., Dartmouth’s Ted and Helen Geisel Third Century Professor in the Humanities, opened the dinner. Dr. Pease spoke for nearly 15 minutes about Privitera’s various contributions, including his work in the community through the Massachusetts Freemasons. Privitera is a District Officer whose district includes Arlington, Medford, Watertown, and Somerville, specifically King Solomon’s Lodge on Somerville’s Highland Avenue.
Privitera visits the East Somerville Community School annually and, through the Masonic Angel Fund, donates money to subsidize the purchase of holiday gifts for Somerville families in need. On September 22, 2018, Privitera will be honored in Santa Ana, California, as the California Grand Lodge Humanitarian of the Year 2018 for the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy.
At Dartmouth, Privitera studied under the late Dr. John A. Rassias, who had been a great inspiration to Privitera.

L to R: Phil Privitera observes as three class of 20019 seniors, James McHugh, Armin Mortazavi, and football captain Jack Traynor speak about Privitera’s impact on their college careers and the lives of many Dartmouth students.
Born in Somerville, and having urban roots in East Boston and Boston’s West End, Privitera was originally apprehensive about “fitting in” and “being accepted” on Dartmouth’s verdant campus and pastoral surroundings. However, hrough the inimitable spirit of John Rassias and the loving culture of the Dartmouth Community, Privitera quickly embraced Dartmouth’s life and became a leader for many who had similar apprehensions as himself.
Rassias introduced Privitera to Pease, who is currently the Chair of MALS. Dr. Pease commented that MALS has now grown into the crown jewel of Dartmouth’s newly established Frank J. Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, named after the former US House Representative.
Dr. Jon F. Kull, the First Dean of the Guarini School, and Dean Lee Coffin, formerly of Tufts University in Somerville, were also in attendance. In acknowledgement of their contributions to Dartmouth, Privitera presented plaques to Dr. Pease, Dean Kull and Dean Coffin.
For Privitera, the most emotional part of the evening occurred when three current Dartmouth Seniors spoke: Armin Mortazavi ‘19, Jimmy McHugh ’19, and Varsity Football Captain Jack Traynor ’19. They only knew Privitera by reputation and had sought to attend the dinner for the opportunity to meet him. While they admitted they had never met Privitera, all three seniors expressed the impact that Privitera’s accomplishments and legacy had on their lives, as well as the lives of so many other students during their Dartmouth College experience.
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