Rotary Summer Raffle Ticket Winners

On August 1, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Somerville Rotary held its Summer Raffle recently, with proceeds going toward contributions to Somerville High School Students during the new Rotary 2018-2019 year.

The First Prize of $200 worth of lottery tickets went to Donald Norton (pictured right), sold by Donald Norton.

The Second Prize of $100 worth of lottery tickets went to Jamie Traverse, sold and accepted by Paul Stanton (pictured below left).

The special guest was Doctor Chafur Chaturvedi of Rotary International District 3150 in India. Dr. Chaturvedi spoke about a cancer awareness program going on in this native India and how many clubs around the world support this program.

Rotary meets every Tuesday here in Somerville at 12:15 p.m. at the Holiday Inn.
For more information about Somerville Rotary, visit the website at


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