Get ready to ‘Seize the Summer’ at SomerStreets Sunday afternoon between Davis Square and Teele Square on Holland Street.
Celebrate Free Open Streets event to feature live music, family-friendly activities, and more!
Celebrate the season at “Seize the Summer,” the August installment of the City’s SomerStreets festival, on Sunday, August 5, from 2 to 6 p.m. between Davis Square and Teele Square on Holland Street. SomerStreets is the City of Somerville’s take on the internationally renowned Open Streets concept, closing busy city streets to vehicles, and opening them up for cycling, walking, dancing, running, and other modes of activity. Through SomerStreets, the City and its community partners aim to promote and encourage easy access to physical activity, fresh foods, and reconnecting with neighborhoods and businesses and their unique cultural elements in a thriving urban environment.
Activities along Holland St. will include:
· Live music on two stages including Tarciso Alves, School of HONK, Off Axis, Mike Gent and Spotted Tiger
· A 40 foot water slide – open to people of all ages. Bring your bathing suit!
· Aerial arts performance by Esh Circus Arts
· Balloon toss, water balloon dodge ball and more, with BuzzRoar Interactive
· Beer garden sponsored by Remnant Brewing
· Parkour play area with Parkour Generations
· Hockey, interactive activities, preschool games and other fun with Somerville Recreation
· Vintage and artisan market by Somerville Flea
· Martial arts performance and demonstration class with Oom Yung Doe
· Explore a fire truck and ambulance
· Craft vendors, and community vendors and local businesses
· Facepainting
· And more!
To ensure public safety at the event, the following road closures and parking bans will be in effect.
· No Parking on Holland St. from Davis Square to Teele Square, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; street closed to vehicles 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
· All one way side streets leading onto Holland St. will temporarily be converted to two-way traffic for abutters only to allow residents to get to and from their homes, including:
o Moore St., Gorham St., Paulina St., Simpson Ave., Jay St., Irving St., and Wallace St.
· Bus routes 87 and 88 will be rerouted from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. For locations of rerouted bus stops, visit MBTA.com.
All SomerStreets events will run from 2 to 6 p.m., rain or shine.
Remaining 2018 events include:
· Sunday, Sept 16: Strike Up the Band: Highland Ave. (School St. to Lowell St.)
· Sunday, Oct 14: Monster Mashed-Up: Somerville Ave. (Hawkins St. to Spring St.) (Rain Date: Oct 28)
For more information, visit www.somervillema.gov, or www.somervilleartscouncil.org/somerstreets.
With questions about the festival or press queries, please contact Special Events Manager, Nina Eichner at 617-625-6600 ext. 2998.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 orNSalamoun@somervillema.gov.
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