By Jim Clark

On Thursday, June 21, at approximately 11:10 p.m., the first of many panicked neighbors, parents, and children began flooding 911 operators with calls of a large group assailants attacking a Somerville student on the normally quiet Munroe St.

On this, the last day of School for Somerville Students, Maria Curtatone – Middlesex County Register of Deeds, sister of Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone, and proud mother of two children – decided to open her home to the community’s children for a last day of school celebration on Munroe St. Reliable “on scene” sources report that approximately 50 Somerville students were invited to this party.

According to reports, Curtatone, understanding the concerns of many parents, prepared well in advance for this event. She ordered food, hired a DJ, provided snacks, bottled water, and soft drinks. To top it off, she hired a police Detail Officer to provide an added level of comfort for all.

Multiple sources report that Curtatone (and onsite adult chaperones) spent the evening greeting invited guests while turning away unknown visitors. They made sure everyone was well fed and a good time was being had by all. The gathering was called to an end at 11:00 p.m., and many parents had already arrived to pick up their children. The night’s celebration was considered was a success.

It was during this time – as guests were leaving – that things turned bad. A large group of unidentified youths – assumed by many to be from Cambridge – had gathered and gradually expanded in size across the street in the public open space. Sources that were closest to the attack as this unfolded observed five or six members of the growing group suddenly lunge at the victim. The suspects threw the victim to the ground and began feverishly punching and kicking him. The rest of the group of aggressors attempted to form a circle around the melee. Neighbors, adults, and the Detail Officer intervened and stopped the vicious attack. It lasted only a few minutes, but reportedly seemed like an eternity for the victim, innocent bystanders, and those traumatized by the vicious attack.

Immediately after the attack, as the victim was being helped up off the ground, it became evident by the amount blood covering the ground and the victims clothing that he had suffered from a deep laceration or a significant stab wound. Upon the rapid dispatch and fast arrival of fire rescue, EMT’s, and additional police officers, it was quickly determined that the victim had suffered multiple stab wounds as well as many bumps, welts, and facial swelling. The suspects – whom are rumored to be part of the “444 Gang” of Cambridge – easily blended in with the crowd of neighbors, guests, and parents picking up their kids. Then they disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

Sources that were interviewed for this story overwhelmingly agreed that social media such as Snap Chat, Instagram, and Facebook could have been a contributing factor in this unfortunate outcome. Some felt that sharing photos, thoughts, opinions, locations, and events on social media should be discouraged. According to these sources and others, these posts will often spur rage, jealousy, animosity, and sometimes serve as advertisement for troublemakers to crash parties and cause problems. The attack could have been over a sporting event, or perhaps a posted image of an ex-girlfriend. The official investigation will have to be completed before it can be determined why this happened.

Note: The Somerville Times refrains from the ever popular “breaking news” story in effort to bring you honest journalism and unbiased reporting. It is not always best to be first. It is, however, best practice to actually research and investigate stories before drawing premature conclusions while jumping head first into the media frenzy. This unethical practice tends to result in lazy reporting and unsubstantiated allegations, as it did in this case.


6 Responses to “Out of town party crashers beat and stab Somerville teen”

  1. You gotta be ****ing me says:

    I didn’t think this paper could be a bigger ballwasher of the curtatone family but wow was I wrong. Hey Joe your cream puffs are ready….

  2. Carla says:

    Are you kidding me with this account? Fake news, right?
    Only in Somerville.

  3. Oh Boy says:

    And the coverup begins . .

  4. Roger says:

    Because this newspaper actually did its job and interviewed people that were at the event, and performed a much needed initial investigation, you’re going to call it a coverup? Or Puppet reporting?

    There really is no common sense left in this world! You people that are negatively commenting have already a held trial in your own heads based on unsubstantiated testimony of a news paper (with an proven history of vindictive axes to grind) and are seeking instant death sentences based on this biased opinion of this news paper that has been bullying the Mayor and his family for well over a year? All based on an event that occurred just 2 days ago! That, is just unfair to an entire City! Keep your one sided uneducated theory’s to yourself until facts are released. Don’t be part of the problem! Be part of the solution!

  5. Jim says:

    This is a parent’s nightmare. Sounds like responsible parents trying to create a safe environment for kids to have fun. Let’s hope the Somerville PD catch these scumbags

  6. BMac says:

    It does show how far we have come as a city.

    In the 80’s an attack like this was so common it would probably not even be news.

    And the thought of a gang from Cambridge coming into Somerville to cause trouble? That is a total role reversal.