Newstalk – June 20

On June 20, 2018, in Commentary, Latest News, by The Somerville Times

So far the July 4th fireworks at Trum Field, which is scheduled for Thursday, June 28, as of this week has not been cancelled. Let’s hope whoever is in charge of the event allows it to go on this year as scheduled. But how many want to bet that the city fireworks – which are not done on July 4th – will be canceled? What will be the excuse? Maybe it’s too hot? You fill in the blanks!


We’re asking why the Sunsetters, which was revived by the Curtatone administration years ago, is completely cancelled this year. That’s too bad for those talented kids and neighbors that enjoyed the shows in the various neighborhoods. We wonder what is going on and why.


Have you noticed that traffic is getting worse and worse here in the city? No matter where you go or when, it’s just getting to be too much. And now the city wants to build an additional 9K rental units.


Happy birthday this week to several locals: Happy birthday to a great lady and good friend, Gail Chambers, formerly of Central Hill but here in the city daily. A great lady and fun to talk to, we wish her a fantastic birthday. Happy birthday to one of our own who used to write for The Times, Jack Nicas is celebrating as well. We wish him a great birthday. Another nice guy, a very talented writer and a true journalist, presently working for the New York Times. Happy birthday to one of the best paralegal both here in the city and most anywhere, Paula LeBlanc. A nice lady, who has lots of great stories of Somerville’s past and still lives and works here. Happy birthday to a great guy, Steven Mirabella, who is from here and his family is still here. He’s a great electrician as well. We remember Steve from years ago when he first started in the business. Another happy birthday to local Somerville guy, Joe Grafton, a hard worker and a good guy. We hope has a great birthday. Happy birthday to Senator Sal DiDomenico, even though he doesn’t represent East Somerville anymore, he’s still always interested in what is going on. We wish him the very best. Happy birthday as well to all the others we may have missed and, yes, there are a few more out there. We sincerely wish them the very best of birthdays.


Somerville’s one and only best waitress in town, Patty Oppedisano, is back and we are told her followers have been checking in on Sundays at Sound Bites in Ball Square. She’s the best waitress in Somerville in our book and in many others. We’re glad she’s still around most of the time. Her new job is different and takes her all over the country sometimes, but she knows home is Somerville and now you can catch her on Sundays.


Another one to add to the list of cancellations is the Taste of Somerville last Wednesday evening. We guess the forecasters picked rain but the rain decided not to come, yet it was cancelled. Now, it was supposed to be held in Powderhouse Park last week, but why not the Armory or Holiday Inn? So, because of rain forecast those making plans and wanted to attend couldn’t. It’s been rescheduled to tonight, Wednesday.


Our good friend Irving Johansen is back home recuperating from his recent stay in the hospital. He’s doing better, and some of his friends got together this week and had lunch at his house. He loved it and was grateful to see everyone.


Patty Norton is home from the hospital and has foregone the quadruple bypass, but is being well taken care of. Same for our friend Ross Blouin. He’s been in and out of Mt. Auburn, but he’s home now and hopefully on the mend as well.


Congratulations to local commercial “ace” real estate broker Bernard Gibbons, who recently married his longtime friend Stacy Woods. We wish them the very best and many long years of happiness and friendship.


As you can see, we did a story on one of our favorite teachers, who has decided to retire. Sophia Carafotes, after 34 years of teaching in Somerville, has decided to retire and is considering a retirement career. We think she would do great in real estate. She’s very popular with many here in the city. Wish her well when you see her around Somerville. Read all about her many years as a teacher right here exclusively in The Somerville Times.


Miss watching the Board of Alderman meetings on TV? You can view them in their entirety on Comcast channel 22, as well as on YouTube. Watch your city at work and see how these dedicated members of our community are serving you, the public. We can’t say this enough, watch the meetings on either cable broadcast live, or go online to YouTube to watch them. You will find some pretty hysterical information there about what’s happening in the city. This should be required viewing for everyone who cares about what is happening here. Even the committee meetings are online. After all, the Board of Aldermen is voting to spend your money. Wow, the raises some department heads are getting. Of course, those friendly with the mayor are the ones that are getting huge ones.


Earlier this month, the Winter Hill Yacht Club hosted the monthly Somerville Chamber of Commerce after business hours social. Some who were there looked around and took notice of how nice the place was and what it would look like if it was turned over to the residents of Somerville as a public marina. Right there on prime land in Assembly Square, a nice marina for the public. How does that sound? Especially since we hear their membership of Somerville residents is very low compared to the total number of those who are in the club presently. We think the city’s aldermen should move on a proposal to take over the so called club. It would make a great addition to the city. After all, it is on state owned property, leased with certain conditions and a yearly fee, whatever that is, in our opinion.


Have you thought you’d like to do some writing, a little story about Somerville as either a newbie or Villen? We have about 80K people and we would love to hear about your adventures here in the city. Maybe you want to write about a particular subject like our Bob Doherty and Dorothy DiMarzio, or like when Jimmy Del Ponte wrote his stories about the city (hey, that’s an idea maybe we can talk him into a little writing again). Or maybe you’d like to express your opinion like Bill Shelton, as many others have over the years. Not just the politicians, but those from our community. Give us a call at 617-666-4010 or email and tell us about your idea. We would love to tell it to the rest of Somerville.


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