Susan Tepper was a TWA stewardess during the Vietnam War years and flew with the troops on the MAC charter flights into Vietnam. Today she is the author of seven published books of fiction and poetry. Her newest title, Monte Carlo Days & Nights, is set in the South of France and narrated by a stewardess of a later time period. www.susantepper.com.
The Vietnam/American War

Susan Tepper
I don’t know
It was a dark blot
A tree half
Chopped off at the knee
Some left leg
Cruising the paddies
The most Zen
Comes out of all war
Billions dropped
The kill-count
The horrors
Pleasure dome
Ho Chi Minh City
Was Saigon
Pretty girls
From the countryside
Spreading them
Offed many thousands
Commerce rained
Boys drafted
Most of them poor kids
No one cared
Each government’s role
Took its toll
Not sacred
Women and children
Blown to bits
The cradle
Hell on Earth
Who was who
No one seemed to know
When in doubt
Kill whatever moves
And they did
Name for another
Did the same
O – Mercy
Looked the other way
Call it sleep
— Susan Tepper
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
Very pleased for you, Susan. You’re also the only former air stewardess- turned-poet I know.
Mark Andresen, thank you!