At last year’s event, Eugene C. Brune was awarded the 2017 Veterans’ Profile in Courage Lifetime Achievement Award.
Ceremony to begin at 11 a.m. at the Holiday Inn
The 2018 Somerville Heroes Salute is set to honor eight Somerville heroes during the annual recognition ceremony, including a Profile in Courage Lifetime Achievement Award to Medal of Honor Recipient, Captain Thomas G. Kelley.
The 2018 Heroes Salute will be held on Saturday, May 19, at the Holiday Inn, 30 Washington St., beginning at 11 a.m. This year’s honorees will include Heroes Square dedications in memory of:
· PFC Alfred J. Byrne (WWII/Killed in Service)
· PFC James V. Parziale (Korea/Killed In Action)
· SP4 Robert J. Waters, a Purple Heart recipient for injuries sustained in battle during the Vietnam conflict.
· Former Somerville Alderman and Director of Veterans’ Services, 1Lt Walter Pero. Pero will be honored for a lifetime of service to the City, the Commonwealth and the Nation.
The ceremony will also include a special dedication for CpL Anthony G. Guerriero (WWII/Killed in action in the South Pacific in 1943), and his nephew CpL Anthony J. Graziano who earned the Purple Heart during the Vietnam conflict. Both were Corporals in the United States Marine Corps separated by a generation of service. Even though they never met, the two heroes are a shining example of service that can run through families.
Korean War Veteran Hall of Fame
Francis Ganat will become the first Korean War Veteran to be inducted into the Somerville Korean War Veteran Hall of Fame. Frank served in Korea and came home and continued his service through his work with the US Postal Service as well as the golf course manager for the Bedford VA.
Profile in Courage Lifetime Achievement Award
The Profile in Courage Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a Veteran who has distinguished themselves above and beyond the call of duty as a member of the armed forces and returned home to continue the mission of service. This year the award is presented to Medal of Honor recipient Captain Thomas G. Kelley (USN). Captain Kelley received his Medal of Honor for heroic actions during his naval service during the Vietnam Conflict. He also continued to serve his fellow Veterans as Secretary of Veterans’ Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
If you have questions about Veterans services or events, contact Bryan Bishop at 617-625-6600 ext. 4710 or bbishop@somervillema.gov.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov .
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