Please join Ward 2 Alderman JT Scott, the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, MassDOT and Beacon St. Reconstruction Project staff on Monday, March 19, for a community meeting to discuss the ongoing roadway reconstruction. The team will provide updates on the 2018 construction season and answer questions from attendees. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Argenziano School, at 290 Washington St.
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Question 1: why isn’t this done yet??
I don’t speak for either the city or for the contractor, but I was at the meeting. It lasted about two and a half hours. We had Newport (the contractor), MassDOT (the sponsor), Eversource (our utility provider), several folks from the city, and two aldermen.
Here’s what I heard:
The short explanation for the delays is that there were dependencies and coordination required between Eversource (our utility provider) and Newport Construction (the contractor) that were not known when the project was bid and scheduled. Also, the material under the old road was much lower quality than the contractors had been told to expect, which required deeper excavation than had been put out to bid.
The team is optimistic that the road reconstruction will be done in mid-summer and that the project can be complete up by Fall of 2018.
That was what I wrote down in my notes. Hope it helps.
Chris: Thanks!