Lawrence Kessenich won the 2010 Strokestown International Poetry Prize. His poetry has been published in Sewanee Review, Atlanta Review, Poetry Ireland Review and many other magazines. He has two poetry chapbooks, Pearland Strange News, and two full-length poetry books, Before Whose Glory and Age of Wonders. Three of his poems were nominated for Pushcart Prizes and three read on Writer’s Almanac. Kessenich has also published essays, including one read on NPR’s This I Believe, and had short plays produced at festivals in Boston, New York and Durango, Colorado. His first novel, Cinnamon Girl, was published in September 2016. His latest book of poetry is titled Pearl.

Lawrence Kessenich
Love: A Shearing
The beard was part of me—of us
as it turned out—but my decision
to remove it was unilateral.
Perhaps, as she would later
accuse me, it was an act of
violence, a way to alienate,
but it seemed to me our alienation
was a fait accompli. Perhaps it was
a declaration of independence,
for as I looked into that mirror
I was moved to liberate the face
beneath my ten-year-old beard, a face
she’d never seen. I found a scissors
in my friend’s medicine cabinet,
slashed away, finishing the job
clumsily from inexperience
with his shaving cream and razor.
Cheeks smooth and red as a baby’s,
I emerged. She looked as if
I’d slapped her face, instead of
shaving my own, as if I were a
stranger who had stolen
into her life and made
himself at home. Which, I suppose,
is exactly who I was.
— Lawrence Kessenich
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