These modular constructions will serve as temporary classrooms while the Somerville High School renovation project is underway.
By Genevieve Bien-Aime
If you have recently driven by Somerville High School on the Highland Ave. side you may have noticed a long, one story air force blue colored building facing the street. Considering it sits directly in front of the left side of the high school, it’s really hard to miss.
This building is actually a series of modular constructions, or factory produced pre-engineered building units, that were delivered to the high school on December 26. Fused together, these modular constructions will serve as a temporary space to house to all of the English Department, as well as parts of the Foreign Language and Social Studies Departments.
Teachers and students will take up residence in the modular classrooms right after the April school break due to demolition of the C Wing slated to begin in June once the school year has ended.
L to R: Somerville High School Associate Headmaster, Leo DeSimone, Contractor Cam Macdonald of Suffolk and Somerville High School Interim Headmaster, Sebastian LaGambina.
The liaison for the project is Associate Headmaster and Director of Career and Technical Education, Leo DeSimone. He explained in preparation for the full demolition of the C Wing, it needs to be abated and phased out altogether which isn’t possible if it’s fully operational. “We’re losing twenty-eight classrooms in the C-Wing, but we’re making up for it with the modular.”
He’s right. While the modular construction is not complete, DeSimone did grant The Somerville Times access. While standing in one of the unfinished classrooms, DeSimone pointed out, “There will be one office for two admin, a planning area for teachers, full plumbing, electricity and data connectivity.”
The classroom we were in was about 20 feet by 20 feet, which is larger than some of the current C Wing classrooms and could potentially hold up to twenty-four students comfortably. In addition, they’ll be climate controlled with both air conditioning and heating abilities; an upgrade compared to the current C Wing. DeSimone understands that some parents may have reservations about the modular construction, and to that he says not to worry because, “they’re going to be absolutely beautiful.”
For more information about the Somerville High School renovations, visit the SHS Building Project Website at http://go.somervillema.gov/highschool or watch the video for the new building’s Educational Plan at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ufBpRNeXfP_YLTA3kLw7om0QOCuAXB9H/view.
~Photos by Genevieve Bien-Aime
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