“I wrote this poem after visiting Joe Cohen, a poet and photographer who suffered a stroke and died at the age of 100 in December. Joe had just attended a performance of Handel’s Messiah and was explaining to a young friend the inner workings of a Beethoven piece the night the stroke hit him. He lingered for quite a long time, clinging to the life he so loved and enjoyed. I knew Joe through the Bagel Bards and worked with Joe briefly in my capacity as poetry writing coach. He attended a one-man performance of my play Every Broom and Bridget—Emily Dickinson and Her Irish Servants and took some fabulous photographs. I will miss him.”
For Joe Cohen, On His Way Out

Tom Daley
You seem to shudder
when I hold your hand,
seem to rustle up a cough
of recognition,
seem to say, with the half moons
of your eyes,
I am almost
with the animals now,
placing my trust
in that dark lair
where breath doesn’t count
itself in or out,
where ripeness is slower
than a century,
where all the surprises
are shedding their fur.
— Tom Daley
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