As always, the City of Somerville will accept pre-payments of any real estate taxes within the current fiscal year. There are four due dates for each fiscal year: August 1, November 1, February 1, and May 1. The City of Somerville does not accept pre-payments for future fiscal years. Therefore, any taxpayer who has a credit balance after May 1, 2018, will receive a refund in June 2018 for any overpayment. The practice of refunding after the FY 2018 taxes are satisfied is required by law and is within the normal practice of business for the City.
Any taxpayer wishing to pre-pay for 3rd and 4th quarter of FY2018 may do so as follows:
- Mail a check to City Hall, 93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143,
- Pay in person at the Treasury Office at City Hall, or
- Visit the City’s InvoiceCloud portal and pay additional amounts toward your 2nd quarter invoice.
Please be aware that the PDF file of your 3rd quarter bill will show the amount owed and will not change if you pay ahead of schedule because it’s a static PDF file. The 4th quarter bill will reflect your pre-payments and will be available online in late March 2018. After normal business hours, you may drop payments into the metal box outside of the main door of City Hall. The box is located on the left side on the sidewalk facing City Hall. Payments as of 8:15 a.m. on January 2, 2018, will have been assumed received on December 29, 2017, our last busy day of the year.
Thank you in advance,
Michael Bertino
City Treasurer
617-626-6600 ext. 3510
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