The Green Line Extension project’s design and build team, GLX Constructors, was selected and approved over the course of the past week.
By Jim Clark
Last week the MBTA Green Line Extension project team conducted a “price opening” to select the design-build firm that will perform the design and construction for the Green Line Extension.
A total contract price offering of $1,082,118,600 by a Joint Venture of GLX Constructors won the day. All six additive options and MBTA contingency was included in the bid.
According to the MBTA, the inclusion of prioritized additive options means that in addition to track infrastructure and seven station stops, construction will include platform canopies, additional elevators at select stations, public art, additional community connection to the community path located on Chester Street in Somerville, extension of the community path between East Somerville and Lechmere Stations and an enhanced vehicle maintenance facility in Somerville.
On Monday of this week, the MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board accepted the recommendation to select GLX Constructors as the design-build firm that will perform the design and construction for the project.
GLX Constructors is comprised of Fluor Enterprises, Inc., The Middlesex Corp., Herzog Contracting Corp., and Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.
Somerville Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone’s public reaction to Monday’s decision was brief and to the point: “We’ve got critical momentum on the Green Line Extension. Looking forward to getting some official timelines in the near future.”
Let’s see if it comes in under budget and on-time. See that one of the contractors appears to be one that was subject of one of Boston’s TV News Investigation teams and subsequent action by the State Attorney General’s several years ago.
I find it ironic that on the evening news they had some citizens group rightfully complaining about times of various routes listed by the “T” were incorrect. In addition said group stated that the “T” needs modernization.
One has to laugh upon hearing this as decades back when the “T” wanted to raise the fare to a dimes, quarter, etc. The college kids, yuppies all complained to stop it. Meantime NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore back then had their bus fares heading towards the rate of one dollar. Ah only in Messacusetts!