Poet Amanda Peters writes: “I’m from Plainville, Connecticut and a second year student at Endicott college. I am studying biology with a focus in pre-med, with high hopes to become an OBGYN. Because of this, you can usually find me in the laboratory identifying cells under the microscope. Outside of school, I love to spend time with friends and family, including my maltese-terrier, Dusty Hank. I’ve enjoyed writing since a young age, and always felt comfort in writing either about personal emotions, thoughts, or feelings in ways that others can experience, relate to, question, or think about.”

Amanda Peters
Seconds, minutes, hours.
Time is inevitable.
Time greets you in the morning,
slowly pulling,
then jerking,
the covers off you.
Time is a bitch.
He seems to never be on your side
Like what the hell,
I’m running late to school
no time to get a cup of caffeine,
but always have the time to pace
back and fourth in my room?
I can’t escape time,
he’s nuts,
like a bad boyfriend
or something you can’t shake off.
Always nagging, nagging, nagging
me to finish my homework
because I’m running out of time.
What even is time?
A few numbers 1-12?
And let me tell you,
I’ve seen a lot bigger numbers
in calculus class.
So what makes time all that important, anyways?
I think it’s time
I stop thinking
about time.
— Amanda Peters
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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