Dan Calnan is a freshman at Endicott College in Beverly, MA. He is an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing. Dan is from Lynn, MA, and graduated from Lynn English High School earlier this year. At Endicott, he is working on developing a portfolio of various writings, and aspires to become a writer for a career.

Dan Calnan
18 is verdant,
A darker, calmer green
Like leaves in a deep forest
upon aged trees
18 is those leaves, snapping
away from the branch
blowing away, sometimes
taking rest before being
blown away again
18 is driftwood in the sea,
unpredictably moving
reaching all the horizons
sometimes floating in calm waters
but then launched by storm
18 is the sand battered by tide
sometimes untouched,
dry and pure, but then
bombarded and baptized by waves
18 is the fall, sometimes warm
sometimes cold
where leaves blow
and sea batters sand
sea with driftwood dragged by tide
18 is the age
where you no longer hide
where you no longer sleep
where you cannot stay still
where you cannot not move
where you cannot not live
where you no longer
cannot not be a kid
where you must leave the tree
where you must face the sea
where you must eat the tide
and be beat by your dreams
where your whole world seems
to fall apart at the seams
18 is that age
18 is this age
18, 18, 18
18 is the age
of freedom with chains
a test of your strength
to conquer yourself
— Dan Calnan
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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