Caroline Moll is a first year undergraduate student at Endicott College, studying marketing communications/advertising. She has a passion for writing that began as a kid, and has stuck with her ever since. Looking to pursue a career in advertising, she hopes to be able to combine her love for writing and visual art.

Caroline Moll
Waking up to the sound of my alarm, my thoughtless mind is barely conscious. My tired body and eyes are in need of one thing: coffee. My dark, aromatic, liquid motivation. I stand in line, impatient until a drink is my hand. It smells like high school. Like afternoon Starbuck trips. Like sitting for hours in my hometown coffee shops. Catching up, but mostly listening to the bustle of people around me. The snip-its of serious conversation and phone call interviews. Like getting Dunkin before our 7 am days, heavy lines out to the streets. It smells like memories. Not good or bad. Memories that just are. Nostalgia. Staying up all night with an empty mug and a paper to write. The next day complaining, “if you think I am spending $7 on coffee, you’re wrong,” but doing it anyway. No form of regret around spoiling myself with a frozen peppermint treat like Christmas in November. Snap back to reality, and I am on my way to class, counting a to-do list of what I will do today.
— Caroline Moll
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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