Julie Cristal is a freelance writer and essayist from Shaker Heights, Ohio. Her blog can be found at juliecristal.blogspot.com. Julie wrote this poem about her late mother-in-law who treated her and her sister-in-law to a trip in the South of France to celebrate her cancer being in remission.
She Knew

Julie Cristal
In her cool Merino wool slacks
She knew
Buy it– she smiled with glee
and so the gracious mahogany breakfront
sat before us
Lonely in the corner
dusty, its rounded glass doors
peering at us
like eyes through sunglasses.
Buy it she said
and the translator we hired
to guide us through Arles
negotiated – clumsy smiles –
with the elegant owner of the
antique shop on the River Rhone.
She knew
Buy it she said
and she waved her hand
at all the ways I could imagine
why it was an impossible purchase
fretting over the logistics of a
France to USA shipment.
Buy it she said
and I did.
And we toasted the acquisition
over rose wine in fine crystal
at the wood-beamed and stone home
in the tiny French village of
the translator.
Who understood.
Buy it she said
and she knew
That in nine months she would be gone
leaving us to celebrate life
and love
dinner after dinner
year after year
generation after generation
along with the
once-forgotten breakfront.
She knew.
— Julie Cristal
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