The Commonwealth Current swim team has been enjoying the facilities at the Foss Park Pool this year.
By Tom Bannister
The Commonwealth Current swim team had a great weekend of racing during the New England 11-14 Long Course Championships. Commonwealth finished in 11th place out of more than 50 teams, and had 77% best times, with 47% of their prelims swims resulting in a top 16 finish.
The team has spent part of the summer training at Foss Park’s regulation size pool.
According to Commonwealth, young athletes must be developed as a whole person and training groups must provide a systematic progression of increased expectation and involvement.
Within this framework, Commonwealth Swimming’s coaches work to instill the foundations of a love for the water and swimming; the value of citizenship and teamwork; a love and respect for their teammates; and the development of strong technical skills.
The Current’s coaches believe that as swimmers develop emotionally and physically, the workloads they experience in and out of the water must increase in order to maximize future growth. This increase in physical demands, as well as demands on their time outside of the pool, will encourage the psychological growth necessary for managing difficult and challenging experiences in the pool and in life.
— Photos by Claudia Ferro
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