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When you’re putting together your summer BBQ guest list don’t forget Mayor Joe Curtatone. This summer he’s hoping a few residents will invite him over to talk about city issues, policies, or whatever else is on their minds as part of the Mayor In My Backyard (MIMBY) program. (If you don’t have a backyard, that’s OK. Living rooms, kitchen tables, porches, and patios are all great too.)
Like many of us, Mayor Curtatone is having a busy summer so there are only two MIMBY slots available right now. If you’re interested in hosting, fill out the online form at And, if it doesn’t work out this summer, they hope to have more times available soon.
I would like the Mayor to accept the challenge of WRKO radio talk show host Jeff Kuhner to come on to the show and debate him concerning his policies and such.
Come on, Mayor Joe-man up and do it!
Me too. Just to see how he gets around the tough questions.
What’s a Jeff Kuhner? And who cares what he thinks?
Jeff Kuhner has a very popular talk radio show. I listen to a lot of talk radio-I prefer it over television. I don’t agree with him on everything, but you always know where he’s coming from.
He doesn’t waver in his views and does ask tough questions. Obviously Villenous doesn’t like him or isn’t familiar with Jeff Kuhner, but hey, that’s cool and it’s ok in my book.
That’s the beauty of a free country and democracy-you don’t have to listen to someone if you don’t want to and you can turn them off if they are on the radio.
He’s some daytime talk show AM radio guy…a self described “nationalist,” which people say is code for something else. Maybe he left out a word?
“Jeffrey T. Kuhner, “Liberalism’s Worst Nightmare,” is the host of The Kuhner Report. He is a conservative nationalist, who champions God, country and family. His show deals with cutting-edge, hot-button political, social and foreign policy issues.”
Sounds like a real winner.
Yikes! The guy’s a whacko. I guess that’s the cesspool of AM radio talk shows these days..
Yet another poster doesn’t like Jeff Kuhner most likely because kuhner is a conservative and a believer in out Constitution. The liberals have been in a super hissy fit ever since Hillary Clinton lost the election.
Jeff Kuhner has some strong beliefs and is firm in his convictions. And like it or not, AM talk radio is very popular with many followers. Some people just cannot accept those with opposing views.
I have heard that Kuhner wants the Mayor to debate him on the air in the studio, but Curtatone is afraid to do this. Just do it, Mayor Joe. GO on the air and debate him. IT would be a great show.
Have a great weekend all-the summer is winding down.
What does the mayor get out of “debating” done all right wanna be fascist. There only one place he needs to win and it’s in the polls.
If I were him I wouldn’t do it. It wouldn’t be fear, it would be knowing that it wouldn’t serve the interest on the constituents or the people who voted him in to office…
Good Lord. These clowns again. So, let me take you by the hand…
1) “Posters” don’t like Kuhner because he’s a sensationalist, right wing media hack. A third rate Limbaugh wannabee (as if wanting to be that were some high aspirational goal).
2) The “liberals” have been in a “super hissy fit” because the election was rigged and essentially stolen, making the current administration in Washington thoroughly illegitimate. Not to mention thoroughly corrupt. In short, a coup d’état has taken place, whether you admit it or not. The grownups call that justifiable outrage, not a “hissy fit.”
3) Kuhner’s strongest beliefs and firm convictions only serve his personal agenda and not the public’s welfare in any way at all (see item 1).
4) I just want to retch whenever I hear any of these phony “patriots” wrapping themselves in the constitution. Anyone who claims to be a “believer in out [sic] Constitution” while condoning the befouling of an election by a hostile foreign state, suppression of free speech and voting rights, blatantly racist immigration policies, etc., etc., etc., is a hypocrite of the lowest order, and has no right to be waving that document in the air as if it’s their Holy Bible. You can forget that one.
5) The mayor is not “afraid” to debate anyone, I’m sure. But I can see no reason on Earth why he should legitimize this bottom-feeding media personality by even giving him the time of day (see item 3). He’ll debate and answer questions at the right times in the proper venues. There’ll be plenty of that, count on it.
6) Finally, just as a reminder, the vast majority of today’s “conservatives” are little more than tax dodging bigots. Let those last three words sink in. That boils it down simply enough for even the dumbest among you to understand. Too bad if the truth hurts, but there is is.
Now, you all have a great weekend yourselves. And don’t worry about a thing. LOL
Jeff Kuhner is a far-right whack job who vilely smears those who don’t share his crackpot views.
Alan is spot on. Tax dodging bigots. Might as well change GOP to TDB. Good call.