Residents and civic leaders shared updates and engaged in discussions about the latest goings on in Ward 3 at last week’s ResiStat meeting. — Photos by Donald Norton
By Donald Norton
About 80 to 100 residents attended the Ward 3 ResiStat meeting this past Thursday, May 4, at the SHS cafeteria.
Ward Three Alderman Bob McWatters welcomed everyone and gave an update on various things going on in the ward. Many department heads from the city were present and spoke to the attendees, including Police Chief David Fallon who presented information on crime in the ward and city.
A discussion about Union Square development was of special interest, especially when Mayor Joseph Curtatone got up and answered all the questions from the concerned residents. A good round of Q&A was conducted.
The city holds these ResiStat meetings twice a year and are citywide, with each ward giving a presentation of what is going on in the ward and in the city as a whole. It is a great way for residents to get to meet their city officials. This was an idea of Mayor Curtatone years ago as a way to communicate effectively with the residents. It has been very successful for the city.
More ResiStat meetings are scheduled for the coming weeks: Ward 5 on May 16 at the Kennedy School, 5 Cherry St.; Ward 7 on May 22 at the West Somerville Community School; Ward 1 on May 23 at the East Somerville Community School; Ward 2 on May 30 at the Argenziano School; and Ward 4 on June 1 at the Healey School.
The meetings are open to all residents.
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