Somerville Neighborhood News is a production of Somerville Community Access Television, made by professional journalists, volunteers and staff. The news show has as its mission to be a lively, informative news resource focusing on the events, issues and information impacting Somerville residents. SNN is evolving its vision and community engagement! We are trying to become more of a “community journalism” model – managed by SNN producer Peter Levine – where SCATV members and community members contribute to the journalism program content through various ways such as news research, interviewing, news anchoring, filming, editing, blogging and more! If you want to get involved, please reach out to us.
Below are our latest SNN headlines and you can watch them all online at somervilleneighborhoodnews.org.
GLX on the Right Track
Get up to date with the Green Line Extension in just 3 minutes.
Union United Hosts Community Advocacy Training
Somerville coalition Union United hosted a free training for community members entitled Leveraging Local Power: Fight for Equitable Development. Presenter Rashida Tlaib, Attorney with Sugar Law Center for Economics & Social Justice and Former Michigan Legislator, spoke of her experience in Detroit and discussed strategies for negotiating new community projects and working with elected officials.
Federal Realty Seeks Waiver from Somerville’s New Affordable Housing Requirement for Development in Assembly Square
On Thursday, April 7, a hearing was held to discuss developer Federal Realty’s request for a waiver from a recent Somerville law. The law, passed in May of 2016, requires new residential developments with more than 18 units to designate 20% of the units for affordable housing.
— Somerville Neighborhood News
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