Assembling Assembly Square in Somerville

On September 22, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Samantha Hutt

A hearing was held on Monday September 13, to gather information from the public on the expansion of the Assembly Square area in Somerville. The Department of Environmental Protection, Waterways Regulation Program held the hearing at the Visiting Nurses Association where approximately 15 people gathered to voice concerns, criticism, and commendations about how project leaders were handling the mixed-use development project.

Alex Strysky of the DEP Waterways Regulation Program was present to hear these concerns addressed at the hearing. Daniel Padien, Senior Environmental Scientist assured the group that “The boundaries have been consistent with the ‘water dependant use zone’” as was a concern going into the hearing. Padien also said “There would be two main routes to get to Draw Seven Park, which is currently under-utilized.”

Paiden said “The 1.8 acre improvement to the waterfront will be redeveloped as part of the park including the improved access to the park.”

Another concern was about the amount of pedestrian open space in the new development. Daniel Padien said there will be no less than “3000 square feet of open space, as was consistent to the regulations regarding open space”

Also a concern was that no buildings within 100 feet of high water, which Padien made clear was the case. He said a proposed restaurant would adhere to these guidelines.

Padien refers to this plan as a “proud new urban environment” and hopes the mixed use development will bring about a chance for Somerville.

The team proposed that pending approval, the first phase one of the process should be complete in the first 6 months of 2011.


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