Zvi A. Sesling’s is a member of the Somerville Bagel Bards. His poetry is in print and online journals in U.S., India, France, U.K., N.Z., Ireland, Canada and Israel. Featured readings include: Jewish Poetry Festival, Brookline, MA, Massachusetts and Boston Poetry Festivals, Boston, MA area venues and readings in San Diego, CA. He edited Bagel Bard Anthologies #7 & #8. He publishes Muddy River Books and edits Muddy River Poetry Review. Sesling authored King of the Jungle, (Ibbetson St., 2010), Across Stones of Bad Dreams (Cervena Barva, 2011) and Fire Tongue (Cervena Barva, 2016). He lives in Chestnut Hill, MA with his wife Susan J. Dechter.
Dirty Water

Zvi A. Sesling
Well I love that dirty water
Oh, Boston, you’re my home
— The Standells
They have been cleaning the Charles River for umpteen years –
now they say you can swim in it
But who knows what is in there: old cars rusting away, pieces
of the Longfellow Bridge they’ve been fixing for years
Goose poop by the tons – you can see fifty or more geese and goslings
at one time swimming and if they have eaten they are pooping
A few ducks here and there on the river really do not matter but geese
are protected and no one knows why
No one is going to gun, bow arrow or sling shot any of them
because the goose protection police are going to attack
Of course the same folks who protect the geese could be reporting on
the muggers who are out there mugging lovers as they stroll
Or they could report the mentally deranged rapist who drags some
poor girl into the bushes
No one calls the real police to rescue any victim who dares walk or jog
along the Charles River in broad daylight
Is it safe to go swimming in the river where the HMS Somerset was
anchored on April 18, 1775
When the river was much wider and swimming was a fun sport for
Colonists and British
Then it was filled in to build houses and when sewer systems were added
they emptied into the venerable river
All sorts of sand, dirt, tools and sewage were heaved into the Charles
so that two hundred years later pollution is in the water
So polluted in fact that a song was written about it, so polluted only
catfish and bad bacteria survive
So now they – whoever they are – say it is safe to swim again but
do not drink it, just swim
Perhaps they will keep cleaning it, maybe dredge it, somehow make it drinkable
and we will love our clean water, oh Boston you’re my home
— Zvi A. Sesling
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Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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