This week we have haiku in Spanish by Sergio Inestrosa, a professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Endicott College. Professor Margaret Young of Endicott College has translated them.

Sergio Inestrosa
cada neutrino,
un fantasma invisible,
levedad pura.
each neutrino,
an invisible ghost,
pure levity.
noches sin luna…
entre las blancas sábanas,
salta una pulga.
moonless nights …
between the white sheets,
a flea jumps.
cosa de gatos;
felina indiferencia
por los humanos.
the cats’ way;
feline indifference
for humans.
mitad del día,
el sol abraza todo…
Icaro cae.
middle of the day,
the sun embraces everything …
Icarus falls.
la fama es nada,
humo que se disuelve
raudo en el viento.
fame is nothing,
smoke that dissolves
quickly in the wind.
— Sergio Inestrosa
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