Supporters of Question 5 got their wish on Election Day as the measure to help finance the renovation of Somerville High School was passed by voters. — Photo by Donald Norton
By Jim Clark
In one of the closest Presidential races in modern history, Donald Trump prevailed to win the White House on November 8, 2016.
The ballot Questions considered by Massachusetts voters resulted as follows:
Question 1: Expanded Slot-Machine Gaming – Yes 27%, No 73%
Question 2: Charter School Expansion – Yes 29%, No 71%
Question 3: Conditions for Farm Animals – Yes 84%, No 16%
Question 4: Legalization, Regulation, and Taxation of Marijuana – Yes 76%, No 24%
Question 5: Debt Exclusion for Redesign/Rebuild of Somerville High School – Yes 72%, No 28%
How did Somerville vote?
Click here to see Somerville’s unofficial results
Wasn’t that close, I’m afraid. Good job DNC and Democratic party. You had a real winner in Sanders, but you had to thwart the will of the people and pick a loser.
Oh, no. This isn’t over yet. Not by any means. Just do it…
No Way you are delusional. I hate to break it to you, but it’s over. The people have spoken.
The delusional have spoken, you mean. I hate to break it to you, but a dangerous lunatic has conned his way into power, thanks to you and your pals. Do you really think the sane, responsible citizens of this land are going to allow this to go on? Totally delusional. And by the way, Clinton won the popular vote, as you well know.
If the appeals to the Electoral College don’t do it there are many paths to impeachment. Before the inauguration even takes place. The guy is a criminal, a sex offender, a racist, a pathological liar…I could make a very long list, but it’s all been brought to light before. Now it’s for the legal system to run its course.
Your own bigotry and/or deadbeat wishes to not pay taxes aside, this country will not be led down that path. That’s a fact.
We’ll see how it plays out. Enjoy it while you can.
Phhht good luck with that one. You only have yourselves to blame, by rigging the election to shut out Bernie, who would have won. Instead you chose to elect a criminal and one of the weakest candidates ever as your nominee. Have fun eating that humble pie.
Lying about Sec. Clinton is mostly what got your boy where he is. She is of course not a criminal in any way, as all intelligent and informed people know. Your guy however will be lucky to stay out of jail before inauguration day rolls around.
I can understand why people like you and your pals are OK with child rape, massive criminal fraud, etc. It’s who you are. Decent people are not OK with it and justice will be served.
We’ll see who cries last.
You gotta love it.
“The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.”
Donald J. Trump, Nov. 6, 2012
Somerville’s (as well as any municipality that has a college in it’s boundaries) elections results will never be legitimate. How many of the out of state students who vote in Somerville, also vote by absentee ballot in their home state? Until there is a system that can verify that they are only voting once, the system remains corrupt.
Legalization of pot. While it is better to have it controlled there are two issues that come to question.
1] I could never understand doctors issuing Rx for smoking marijuana, If cigarette smoke is bad for the lungs, thus any type of smoke will do the same. That is why candidates for jobs as fire fighters cannot smoke.
2] The Attorney General must issue laws pertaining to the new law on marijuana that ensures anyone who is arrested for DUI in fatal accidents, be (in addition to alcohol tests) be tested for marijuana also. Other states have claimed such an increase in fatal accidents in their states.
More people voted for her. The Electoral system has failed us 40% of the time since 1996! Time to retire it.
Oh it’s happening. Believe it.
This guy is so crooked he makes Nixon look like a choir boy. And the cast of characters he’s assembling for his cabinet and staff–unbelievable. The same kooks and misfits we’ve seen these past several months. Palin, Giuliani, Christie, Carson, etc. And his own family members for God’s sake. If innocent people weren’t going to be hurt so badly this would be comedy in the highest. I’m definitely circulating the petition.
For those who say the people have spoken, you are right. The majority of the popular vote (what people actually voted) went to Hillary Clinton, NOT Donald Trump.
It is only due to the votes in the electoral college that he actually became president-elect. So, for those of us who did vote for Hillary Clinton, our voices have NOT been heard, and we have every right to complain about it. What’s the point in being told that our vote matters when in the end, it doesn’t?
It’s very easy to tell the other side to stop complaining when it’s your side that’s won. You can best believe that Trump supporters would be more than vocal about it had he not been elected.
He says the system is rigged. He’s totally right. It IS.