By George P. Hassett

Police arrested an Everett man last week for a stabbing in Davis Square that left a man with lacerations from his ear to his throat.

Nardeep Singh, 22, confessed to the stabbing after he told a detective several different versions of what happened, said Deputy Chief Paul Upton.

“[Singh] admits he was the one with the knife who did the stabbing,” Upton said.

Singh, who works in Davis Square, and another man started the altercation by making harassing comments to the victim’s girlfriend as the couple left Sagra for the Burren on Sept. 5, police said.

Singh allegedly struck the victim’s girlfriend and the victim “went crazy” and went after Singh, police said. Singh and his friend used brass knuckles in the fight and Singh stabbed the victim in the abdomen, police said.

Witnesses took down the license plate information of the car Singh drove away in that led detectives to the Everett home where Singh lived, police said. The victim identified Singh from a photo lineup, police said.

He was arrested on Sept. 7 and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon


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