The View From Prospect Hill – 9/15

On September 15, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

If the state had fulfilled its legal obligation, the Green Line would be rolling through Somerville sometime next year bringing jobs and environmental justice to Somerville. Instead, two delays in one month and cost hikes have the troubled project once again jumping off the rails.

It is particularly insulting that the extension – a legal remedy to increased air pollution caused by the Big Dig – is again delayed because of a no-bid deal with Big Dig bad guy Parsons Brinckerhoff.

In Ten Hills and East Somerville, where residents have to wipe grime from the nearby highway off their windows each morning – the pain is sharper. Residents in those neighborhoods suffer from significantly higher rates of asthma and lung cancer than the rest of the state.

Who can citizens hold accountable? The state boards and departments that have created the latest delays are not elected by voters but we do have a state delegation that should be getting results on this issue of social justice.

The Somerville delegation has been quick to show up to press conferences and make speeches at the State House but have they flexed any political muscle and delivered to city resident?

While the politicians were making speeches, the cost of the long delayed extension has increased from $438 million in 2007 to a current estimate of $954 million.

On how many issues are Somerville folks united? Not many, but we agree the Green Line is an essential part of the city’s future. The problem is our elected officials have failed to do the job they were elected to do.

It’s time to send Beacon Hill a message, Somerville needs strong advocates for the Green Line extension. If our delegation can’t deliver, maybe it’s time to vote in a new team.

Vote out incumbents November 2.


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