Newstalk – 9/15

On September 15, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Congratulations to state senator Sal DiDomenico on his victory last night over challenger Tim Flaherty. We endorsed Sal and expect him to do right by his Somerville constituents – it’s only two precincts but there are a lot of issues in the Somerville part of his district.


Happy Birthday to Alderman Bob Trane of Ward 7 this week and School Committee woman Maureen Cuff-Bastardi of Ward 1, both very popular here in the city and both great people.


Best wishes to one of our biggest fans down at Cobble Hill Apartments, Ms. Helen Boliver has been laid up and is recuperating at the Santa Maria in North Cambridge. Helen is a wonderful person and we wish her all the best as well as for a speedy recovery. Hopefully she’s getting her Somerville News delivered to her.


Congratulations to Somerville’s own Ball Square Café that is located in Ball Square, celebrating its third anniversary doing business, from the owners Mike and Omar along with their staff wish to thank everyone for a successful three years in business, stop over and say hi to all the old and new customers alike and get one of Omar’s breakfast plates – one of the best in the area.


Get well wishes also out to Bud Knox who has been a mainstay here in the Somerville business community now for many year (formerly of Knox Dodge); Bud is also on the board of directors of the Somerville Home as well as the Kiwanis.   He is in the hospital recuperating and we wish him well.


Alderman Sean O’Donovan held his public Hearing on NSTAR last week and told them that the city was going to start to hold them accountable for these outages that are happening. Next meeting is in October and NSTAR will have answers to why and what they intend on doing to fix the ongoing problem.


Surprising that the police substation down on lower Broadway is going through some changes. It appears that Captain Mike Deveraux is being transferred to an inside desk job in the police station after all these years now of working with the community down in East Somerville. Many neighbors and businesses we hear wrote the city opposing the move but were not successful in over-turning the department’s decision. We wish Captain Devereaux all the best at his new spot.


One primary election over with and now just 48 days to “Remember in November”  Tuesday November 2, all registered voters should be out and prepared to stand in line to vote, this is the day that we the voters get to fire and hire who we choose to represent us. If you’re working in the private sector, either as an employer or employee you probably already know what you’re going to do on that day.


Congratulations to well known local Somerville Attorney Ann Vigorito and her new husband to be James who will tie the knot this coming weekend with a jet-a-way wedding ceremony in Nappa Valley California to officially gain the bragging rights on their new heading,  Mr. and Mrs. James D’ambrosio as their official new family name. We wish them all the best!


Sixty-three Somerville residents are participating in the 22nd annual Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk. Whether walking for themselves, loved ones, neighbors, or coworkers, each walker shares a common purpose: to raise money to support adult and pediatric cancer care and research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. They will be among the more than 8,000 walkers expected to participate with the collective goal of raising more than $6.5 million for lifesaving cancer research and care for adult and pediatric cancer patients at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund.


Volunteers share their time and talents to inspire learning.  Whether it is sharing a book, sharing a lunch hour, mentoring a student in music, or helping with homework in an after school program, volunteers make a significant difference in the life of a student.   If you have an hour a week to share this year, head to the Volunteer Orientation on Wednesday, September 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Arthur D. Healey School, 5 Meacham St.  Potential volunteers will learn about a wide variety of academic and enrichment volunteer opportunities and upcoming literacy and math tutor trainings.  To confirm your attendance for the Volunteer Orientation contact Volunteer Coordinator Jen Capuano at 617-625-6600 x6023 or   To begin serving and inspiring visit:


Air Force Airman Gary C. Myrick graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Kathryn Myrick of Chisholm Road, Weymouth and Gary Myrick of Claremon Street, Somerville.


Don’t forget the Annual Somerville News Writers Festival on Saturday November 13 at the Center for Arts at the Armory on Highland Avenue, cost is $10 and starts at 7 p.m. Go online to our web site and check out who this year’s guest are. Log on to the writer’s festival link is off to the right side.  It’s a great time and gets bigger every year, thanks to the hard work of Doug Holder and Tim Gager.


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