Vinyl rules at the Annual Somerville Rock and Roll Yard Sale, hitting Union Square this Sunday.gd
On Sunday, September 11, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Union Square Plaza, What Cheer produces ArtsUnion’s annual Rock And Roll Yard Sale showcasing New Englands’s top vinyl dealers.
Vintage clothing peddlers and DIY craftsters will join record vendors, making for a unique shopping experience! There will be all sorts of music-related formats—including vinyl, CDs, cassettes and 8-tracks—and audio gear, music magazines, silk-screened posters, promotional items and vegan snacks. Of course, vinyl will be spinning for your aural enjoyment. This is a perfect way to support DIY & independent small businesses!
Live music by: Allysen Callery; Mystery Red Inferno (Alec K. Redfearn Duo Project); Narc Virus; and DJ Subject to Change.
Rain date: Sun., Sept. 18
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