Lyrical Somerville – April 27

On April 27, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Jim Foritano, a Somerville Bagel Bard, sent us a poem.

Jim Foritano

Jim Foritano


They Say...


I’m good at

small talk. Fantastic,



I want to make

myself understood

to European



I see them slouching

in corners in sullen

two’s and three’s.


Our hostess drags

me back to center-stage

pats my head and begs me

to just stay put!


I grab a waiter’s passing

tray, stand him where I

stood,  pasted


with an acquiescent



and will myself into

company too slow to reach

my passing drinks


but learning how

I feel…


at heaven’s gate.


— Jim Foritano


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