Former SHS hockey players competing in national championship

On March 9, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
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By Tom Bannister

Two Russian students who attended Somerville High School last year and played hockey for the Highlanders, Aleksandr (Aleks) Zakirov and Anton Minaev, are now playing Junior Hockey for the Forest Lake Lakers, a Tier III Jr. A ice hockey team located in Forest Lake, Minnesota, a Northern suburb of Minneapolis-Saint Paul. They and their new team are now en-route to Boston to play for the National Championship, which starts on Wednesday, March 9.

The Lakers play in the United States Premier Hockey League Midwest Division.

Although they still refer to Somerville as their “Hometown USA,” these fast rising super stars are having a remarkable season with the Lakers. The team won their division Championship and continued on to win the Western Conference Championship Series.

The championship elimination series (aka The Beantown Classic) is being held at New England Sports Arena in Marlboro, MA and will begin this Wednesday and end on Friday, March 11. The Best team will be awarded the National Championship Cup.

Their team is led by former professional goaltender and Coach Dennis Canfield.

Coach Canfield has praised Mayor Joe Curtatone and the Somerville School System for prepping these fine young gentlemen for a great future in both academics and professional hockey. Both students thank Mayor Curtatone for providing them with a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the American dream and our culture while living and attending school in Somerville.

The former Highlanders are drawing a lot of attention from the NCAA, NAHL, and the NHL. They have been scouted frequently by many teams and are headed for long professional careers in the NHL.

Aleksandr Zakirov is having a tremendous season as starting goalie and was voted team MVP. He has also received many awards from the League. He also earned the title of team MVP while playing for the Somerville Highlanders.

Forward Anton Minaev has accumulated magnificent statistics and received numerous awards from the league and team. Entering the playoffs, Minaev has four hat tricks in five games.


8 Responses to “Former SHS hockey players competing in national championship”

  1. ELENA says:

    отличная статья.Родители благодарят редакцию газеты и особые благодарности мэру города Джо за помощь и поддержку ребятам,когда они жили,тренировались,учились в школе Сасервиль.

  2. Igor Minaev says:

    Ребята с теплотой вспоминают свою жизнь и учебу в школе Сомервиль.Особое чувство благодарности Максу Грачеву.

  3. Jenn H says:

    Instead of glorifying this and the coach who brought these kids in for one hockey season and then quit to go coach at a “better school”, you should do an article on the group of kids who have played hockey for Somerville Youth Hockey their entire lives, who either got cut from the team or sat on the bench last season to make room for these two. Somerville kids lost out on an entire year of hockey because of this and it’s a shame that this is being glorified. Congratulations to these boys for their accomplishment, but you can’t call a city you lived in for just one hockey season your “hometown”. People ask me all the time, “why doesn’t Somerville have the huge hockey program they used to have?” My answer: “hockey politics, it’s a bunch of crap”. Let the kids who love the game so much play. Four years in high school goes by really fast. Let them enjoy it instead of ruining their last years playing the sport that they love.
    And before anyone says that I’m writing this because I’m disgruntled over the fact that my kid didn’t play – FYI, my boys don’t go to Somerville High School, but Somerville Youth Hockey is our hockey family. If your kids don’t play hockey, you don’t understand what that means, but there’s a lifetime family bond created the day your kids feet touch the ice. My boys have been with Somerville Youth Hockey since they could skate and I’m disgusted and embarrassed at what was done to our hockey family and so should the people who allowed this to happen.

  4. villen says:

    I think you should concentrate on writing stories about kids who grew up playing SYH and spent 4 years playing at SHS who have accomplished something. Kids like Jason Kenney who signed a pro contract this year with the Red Wings organization or Cam Lynch who is in his early 20’s and is refereeing division 1 college hockey. Would have referee the beanpot tournament this year if it werent for a freak injury. This story is about a couple kids who stopped here for 6 months on their world tour chasing a dream that a hundred thousand other kids are. They are playing for a tier III junior team that Malden Catholic or BC high could beat. Thanks

  5. Kevin Thornton says:

    Typical Somerville racists who hate anyone that wasn’t born here! You should be ashamed of yourself Jenn and Villen! It’s people like you that have ruined organized sports with your “everyone must get a trophy” attitudes. Your kid was most likely benched or put on the JV squad because they weren’t good enough! This is why teams have try outs and the Coaches pick the players who will best help the team win! This concept has taught many kids over the years that if they want something bad enough they must practice, train and earn it. Not to be given things just because of where they were born or just because you think your kid is the best! If your kid signed a pro contract with the Redwings? Call the newspaper and ask them to do a story on him. Don’t cry about it and expect everyone to bow down to you.

  6. Carli Johnson says:

    As a life long resident of Somerville, I am proud of the diversity in our City. I’m humbled when opportunities are given to all races and nationalities. I for one will look forward to these fine young men referring to Somerville as their hometown of the USA when they begin their careers in the NHL. It makes me proud of Somerville to know that we as a community could have such a positive impact on these boys having lived here for only 1 year. That speaks volumes about our City! Those of you spreading hate, get over yourselves!

  7. SomervilleBL says:

    I’m not a Somerville racist or snob, but myself, my son, and my hockey family friends witnessed first hand the sense of entitlement and lack of respect that occurred last season. The Russians were the only 4 kids coached all season. The Coach spoke Russian during practices, had closed door meetings with only the Russians. He ran drills with his core 4 Russians, and the rest of the team stood there and had to watch. The 4 Russians were given special preferential treatment, they were allowed to be late or miss practices and school with zero repercussions. Some spoke down to the other players in the locker room. There was a point where they actually started physical altercations with some of our players, and one of our player’s was actually spat on. Our program was made a mockery in the league, other fans would parade around in American flags as capes and chant USA throughout the games. Total disgusting behavior we had to endure from other cities. Our players were actually excited to learn from Max as a Coach, but unfortunately he never coached them. Did we win a few games? Yes, but at our player’s expense. I don’t begrudge any of them on their success. In fact many of us parents went out of way to ensure that they always had everything they needed, and made sure they were always fed, invited them over for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, bought them Christmas presents, despite the lack of respect by some. I think in the future that the kids should be brought in freshman year and grow with our team and community. I don’t blame the Russian players for their actions, I blame Max for the sense of entitlement he gave them and the turmoil of the season. By the way, where is Max now? He’s gone! He used Somerville as a stepping stone and moved on quickly. It was a very tough, discouraging season for SHS, one that will hopefully never be repeated.

  8. Kevin Thornton says:

    The only thing I agree with is your opinion of the former coach (Max).
    He was a terrible coach! It was and continues to be about money with him and his father. They could care less about the kids or the people of Somerville. The rest of what you said sounds like sour grapes and jealousy. If things were as bad as you said, why didn’t the parents complain? Where was the protest? Why didn’t anyone talk or complain about this until now? Don’t begrudge the Russian kids on their success. You said yourself that you don’t blame the kids! Then why say anything at all. This story did not mention or promote Max. But you made it about him. Nice going, You ruined a perfectly innocent story about 2 youngsters that are fulfilling their dreams! According to the story they had nothing but nice things to say about their time in Somerville. If these kids were American, you wouldn’t have even commented. Typical Racist! Just like those idiots you spoke of chanting USA and waving American Flags. You are no better than them!