What’s on Somerville Neighborhood News

On March 4, 2016, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Somerville Neighborhood News #59 was election heavy! Stories focused on engaging young voters to polling to local presidential candidate canvassing teams.

In SNN #59, we explore how two thirds of Somerville residents are renters, and many of those are young and have no ties to the city, and no political involvement. Getting young voters to participate is good for them and for the process. Young Somerville takes on the issue. Find out more on this topic in SNN #59!

Another story focuses on local grassroots canvassers. Political icon Tip O’Neill coined the phrase, “All Politics is Local.” Even in a presidential election knocking on doors and manning the phones to ask for votes is an integral part of the campaign. SNN hits the sidewalk with some volunteer campaigners.

These stories and more in the latest Somerville Neighborhood Newscast. You can watch Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on SCATV Ch. 3 or online at www.somervilleneighborhoodnews.org. Somerville Neighborhood News is a production of Somerville Community Access Television, made by professional journalists, volunteers and staff. The half-hour news show has as its mission to provide a lively, informative newscast focusing on the events, issues and information impacting Somerville residents.


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