Mary Millner McCullough is a writer, performer, and co-founder of The Streetfeet Women, a multicultural writing and performing company. McCullough’s plays have been produced by Our Place Theater Project of Roxbury and the former Theater Cooperative of Somerville. Her play Sorry Don’t Fix It was selected from an Ed Bullin’s Playwriting Workshop for production by ACTRoxbury; and Twilight Time, also written by McCullough, was toured nationally by The Streetfeet Women. McCullough’s fiction and poetry have been featured in Streetfeet publications and local literary journals. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Goddard College and a Masters of Arts in Writing from Northeastern University. McCullough lives in Somerville, MA.

Mary Millner McCullough
Not Yet
I do not miss you
Not yet
wind turned your seeds into sails,
whispered poems in three stanzas
on snow covered limbs that
broadcasted nature’s majestic translations.
I do not miss you
Not yet
you were our sentinel
grown tall, handsome,
a steadfast welcome to all arrivals,
a sketched image at departure.
I do not miss you
Not yet
your shoulders sheltered fledgling bluebirds
your trunk, a highway for squirrels
seeking food to be stored,
against winter’s scarcity.
I do not miss you
Not yet
spring will host your memorial,
sprout genetic promise,
and when the barred owl calls,
I will be lonely.
— Mary Millner McCullough
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