Gilmore Tamny is a writer, musician and artist living in Somerville, MA. She is a committed artist, feminist, rawker, lover of paintings and audiobook junkie. She may have also made the very first infomercial for a book of poetry: Here is a sampling of Haiku … for you.

Gilmore Tamny
the strong bad coffee
is not any better than
the weak bad coffee
perfumey smell cloud
in center of apartment
hmm why what how huh
love vanquishes death
kinda but not quite as much
as I had hoped for
I felt so lucky
and so very unlucky
today confusing
why do some people’s
eyes seem to be glittering
when others do not
there’s no one else who
has ever known what I know
what a shame maybe
my lying oven
three hundred fifty degrees
my ass you traitor
spy podcast teaches
history is elusive
ugly weird dumb
our self-righteousness
the great human affliction
just so exhausting
cloud gliding like barge
as barge is drifting like cloud
certain neatness there
wait wait wait wait wait
HEY I can’t keep up wait WAIT
oh never mind go
sun moon stars arrange
into chorus of high kicks
that’s entertainment
surely someone has
fashioned a balaclava
out of baklava
shoes hanging from rack
drop like hard rain on my head
very annoying
cyclist on sidewalk
I give him venomous stare
we both know too much
is anything more
handsome than paul newman’s ribs
probably but what
all those snickers bars
wilting in the bodegas
on a summer night
pen on the counter
got washed along with the rest
of the days dishes
cereal brownies
my worst idea ever
trash now warm with them
— Gilmore Tamny
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