Lyrical Somerville – December 23

On December 23, 2015, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


I run into Steve Swensen quite often when I head to my makeshift office in the back of the Bloc 11 Cafe. Swensen is a retired Somerville High School English teacher, and boasts that he has spent his 39 year teaching career in these immediate environs.  He shares this poem with us.


A Homeless Politician

hungry teeth perfectly capped
leonine hair nicely coiffed
both hands out–always.
hugging bottles —  kissing babies
cursing pigeons– campaign rhetoric
eyes that deceive.
promises broken–handshakes gone limp
ideas–ideals out of focus
I can, I will, becomes
I can’t.
I won’t.

Part 2:    The Rebuttal

People don’t understand–we don’t
It’s not that easy–guess not
We need to fix it–go ahead
It can’t be done overnight–how many nights?
It’s really broken–so blow it up and start over
That could take years–then where will you be?

— Steve Swensen


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