Michael C. Keith
Divine Directives
Everything you can make harsh, you should make harsh.
Everything you can make sweet, you should make sweet.
Everything you can make hurt, you should make hurt.
Everything you can make wise, you should make wise.
Everything you can make fear, you should make fear.
Everything you can make sing, you should make sing.
Everything you can make weep, you should make weep.
Everything you can make envy, you should make envy.
Everything you can make crave, you should make crave.
Everything you can make laugh, you should make laugh.
Everything you can make fail, you should make fail.
Everything you can make bleed, you should make bleed.
Everything you can make heal, you should make heal.
Everything you can make dance, you should make dance.
Everything you can make grieve, you should make grieve.
Everything you can make listen, you should make listen.
Everything you can make love, you should make love.
Everything you can make doubt, you should make doubt.
Everything you can make vicious, you should make vicious.
Everything you can make believe, you should make believe.
“Did I leave anything out, son?” asked God.
— Michael C. Keith
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