Somerville Poet Dennis Daly writes: “The following ekphrastic poem, Odd Man, I based on a highly affecting 1947 British noir film set in Northern Ireland entitled Odd Man Out, directed by Carol Reed and starring James Mason. The movie had in turn been inspired by F.L. Green’s novel of the same name. – DD”
Odd Man
Amok they’ll run. Over tea they’ll plot
Forays of liberation. So fife
And drum bring cheers, the heart’s tommyrot
That taunts tyrant rule, the sharpened knife
Of order. Those boys will have their day,
Long dreamed, the reverence and the homage.
They’ll come to know infernal foreplay
Like buttered turnips and boiled carnage.
Beware of multicolored daub-men
Who paint blood, who dime their brothers out
To tribal chiefs. Raiders comprehend
Old routes. They strike, flee, walkabout.
After the brawl one stumbles forward,
Burdened with foul sins of risen ghosts.
He turns face to sleet, his men bestirred
In misuse. He clings to life’s lampposts.
— Dennis Daly
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