Members of Somerville Overcoming Addiction took part in the Board of Aldermen regular meeting last Thursday.
By Amy Swain
On Thursday, September 10, the Board of Aldermen met in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall for their regular meeting. The meeting did not begin in such a regular fashion, however.
Members of Somerville Overcoming Addiction (SOA) opened the meeting. SOA is a local grass roots organization combating addiction and its stigma in the community. They have been present at several local government events, and following President Obama’s proclamation of September as Recovery Month, members of the group were in attendance to speak with the Aldermen about the city joining the other cities that have declared their own local Recovery Month.
Jesse Clingan, an organizer of the group, believes the recent epidemic of drug overdoses deserves a national response, similar to AIDS and cancer. “Twenty-three million Americans are in long-term recovery. Sixteen thousand people died last year. This is a national crisis that deserves a national response,” according to Clingan.
Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan was inclined to agree, as he took a moment during the meeting to remember a time when he was young. “If a family member had an issue, they went and got help,” said Sullivan. “They could stay for thirty days in a facility without worrying if insurance would cover it. Take time to get healthy. Now, people are in and out in five days. And it’s life or death; kids are dying.”
While members of SOA have shown appreciation for a city that recognizes and wants to help, they are pushing for a recovery center in Somerville. Funding is presently an issue, but time will tell. What the group is proud of now is that the city is recognizing September as Recovery Month. This is happening all over the country, and Somerville is pleased to be part of it.
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