What’s on Somerville Neighborhood News

On July 11, 2015, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

snn_7_8_15_webHere is one featured segment from the latest Somerville Neighborhood Newscast. Somerville By Design held an Open House last week to present the latest design considerations for the redevelopment of Union Square. The meeting drew close to a hundred residents and activists to hear about the plans for Lots D-1 through D-7 in the heart of Union Square. George Proakis, Director of Strategic Planning and Community Development for the city introduced the presenters.

Russ Preston, Design Director for the Principal Group shared renderings of mixed-use streetscapes, discussed height and bulk considerations for new building and parking options being considered. The emphasis was on the relationship between development, livable streets and maintaining a human scale.

Carson Bise of TischlerBise offered a financial analysis of the projected redevelopment. In all of the scenarios presented there were significant economic gains projected for the city over 20 years. Whether the costs of road and infrastructure improvements should be charged to the project or considered part of the city’s budget is still up for discussion.

According to several attendees the overall amount of information led to some and raised more questions than answers.

Smaller topical meetings are planned throughout the summer. Somerville By Design is working to release a draft plan out in the fall and hopes to have a final plan out to the neighborhood for comment by mid-winter.

For other SNN segments visit our website at www.somervilleneighborhoodnews.org or watch the newscasts Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on SCATV Ch.3.


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