Tonight Wednesday May 6 from 5:30 to 7:30 celebrate with Ward 4 Alderman Tony Lafuente at his third annual Cinco de Mayo fundraiser Party at Cantina La Mexicana in Union Square. Tony sure is popular. It seems like no one is going to run against him again this year. Many of us here at The Times reside in Ward 4 and we think he’s doing a great job. Join him, his family and friends in helping to kickoff his campaign.
The yearly SHS Raffle is here again, this Friday, with the $10K first prize winners and many other prizes given away, this hard working Scholarship Foundation is selling tickets at $100 apiece. Send $100 to Joseph Favaloro, P.O. Box 440275, Somerville 02145. The drawing will be held May 8 at the Highlander Café at Somerville High School, 7 p.m. This is a great local charity. They have raised over a million dollars in scholarship monies for deserving high school students. Buy a ticket and go enjoy the evening. It’s always fun, with lots of prizes for those who attend.
Over the past few months, the rumors persisted regarding the DPW commissioner. The rumor spreaders over the grapevine were going wild speculating over what was going to happen to him. Was he leaving on his own or was he being let go? The rumors persisted that he was going to be removed from his job by May 1. Other rumors were floated that the commissioner was interviewing for jobs in other cities. So now it’s after May 1 and we can tell you that Stan is still in his job. He’s not going anywhere and, oh yes, he loves his job. Everyone associated with DPW and City Hall heard these rumors. They even reached us here at The Times, but we adopted a “wait and see” attitude, as did a lot of others here in the city upon hearing these various rumors. So as we thought, they proved to be wrong again and were probably propagated by some misguided city employee or maybe some loud mouth well known troublemakers?
Was that Sophia Carafotes a week or so back on the Kelly & Michael TV Show showing her dancing skills? We already know Sophia is very talented. We heard she almost won the contest.
Another old Somerville family business is now gone from its location at Medford Street and Partridge Avenue, the old Piro Printing shop. Marc Piro has joined up with another printing associate in Charlestown. So even though the family homestead is gone, the shop has moved to Charlestown. If you know Marc, he has the same number. Call him for all your printing needs at 617-620-7629. We wish Marc and then entire Piro family nothing but the best. They were a powerhouse going back decades here in the city. How many remember that the grandfather was the printing teacher at Northeastern Junior High?
It was very sad to see all those people lined up to get that last pie, cookie, and special cake at Patsy’s last week. We couldn’t find a parking space near the place since Friday. Sal says he’ll be back. We do know they keep looking for a new place in the meantime, but nothing yet.
Happy Birthday this week to former Alderman Walter Pero, who we hope is enjoying retirement. We wish him a good birthday and many more. Also this week, Aida Sousa-Braga from the Ville is celebrating. We wish her all the best for her birthday. Happy Birthday to Anita Erin, who is also celebrating this week. Happy birthday too to Brian Whally. We wish him the very best. Also, happy birthday to Anthony Frazer, who grew up here in the Ville, we wish him a good day this week. And local guy Leo Saltman is also celebrating his birthday this week as well. Finally, happy birthday to Nancy Wollenburg. We wish her the very best and many more.
We heard the name of a third player in the Ward 6 Alderman race. A gentleman by the name of Lance Davis is jumping in. He looks to have the support of some of the progressives. This is going to be interesting seeing how the progressives split three ways in Ward 6, with Robin Ackerman having some support and Charlie Chisholm also having progressive support. What’s interesting is that the Board of Alderman moved the primary day from a Tuesday to Thursday because of a Jewish holiday. So in Wards 4 and 6, so far the only places to have a primary, it’s going to prove harder to get out the votes on a day that the voters are not used to voting on.
The current zoning bill will not be acted upon by the Board of Alderman. It looks like they are just going to let it lie and pick and choose what the they like and maybe bring it back for a vote in a year or so.
Register for the May 16 Bike Safety Day, hosted by the Somerville Kiwanis Club, and a chance to win a new bike and other great prizes. Registration is limited to the first 150 students. Applications must be returned to the child’s teacher. To be held at the Argenziano School, 290 Washington St. on Saturday, May 16, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Children must be accompanied by an adult and all bikes must be in working order. The day will include free bike inspection, helmets and reflectors, bike safety pamphlets and information, fun bicycle obstacle courses, and free refreshments. Additional special events include face painting, music, and more. Contact David Blumsack with questions at (617) 776-7645.
Saturday, May 9, 12:30-5:00 p.m., the Center for Teen Empowerment hosts the Ninth Annual Youth Peace Conference at Somerville High School, 81 Highland Ave. The Conference will feature a stage presentation using the arts that addresses the root causes of issues that youth are currently facing. Through youth-led performances that will include skits, music, spoken word, rap and speeches, the Youth Peace Conference will explore how youth, adults, police, politicians, and community organizations can work together for a more peaceful community.
Join the celebration of the unveiling of A World of Culture and Learning, a mosaic mural created by West Somerville Neighborhood School students in grades 3-8, under the supervision of David Fichter and WSNS Art Teacher, Mrs. McLelland. The celebration begins at 5:00 p.m. at the front entrance to the West Somerville Neighborhood School.
Kelven Polite and Aya El Hassan, freshmen at Somerville High School, will be spending their next three summers attending Harvard as part of a group of 30 high-achieving high school freshmen from Somerville, Boston and Cambridge accepted to Harvard’s Crimson Summer Academy. The 30 Crimson Scholars will spend the next three summers attending classes, participating in projects, field trips and cultural events, and attending lectures presented by faculty members at Harvard. Crimson Scholars receive full financial support for room, board, and tuition, along with an annual summer stipend. Visit to learn more about the Harvard Crimson Summer Academy.
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