— Photo by Claudia Ferro
Summer performance program open to youth in grades 7 through 12; Performances held Monday through Thursday evenings during July and August
Calling Somerville youth! The City is seeking talented, energetic and music-loving teens between the ages of 12 and 18 to participate in the historic Somerville Sunsetters for summer 2015. The Sunsetters is a traveling performance troupe that performs classic show tunes and modern musicals in Somerville neighborhoods throughout July and August. The Sunsetters is led by local entertainment specialist and Somerville Youth Arts Coordinator, Jimmy Del Ponte.
Auditions for the 2015 Somerville Sunsetters will be held on Thursday, May 7, from 5 to 7 p.m., in the Somerville Cable TV studio (the studio is located underneath the Somerville High School Library, accessed by the parking lot). All Somerville residents ages 12 to 18 are eligible to audition, including students enteringthe 7th grade and graduating high school seniors. Students wishing to audition must come prepared to sing a song of your choosing, either with music on CD or a mobile device, or acapella. A CD player and iPod hookup will be available.
If selected, all Sunsetters must commit to Monday through Thursday night rehearsals and performances from June 29 through Aug. 20. Rehearsals will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday through Thursday evenings throughout the month of June, with performances beginning on Monday, June 29. Performances are scheduled at the request of city residents Monday through Thursday evenings in July and August, and at special City events including the Fourth of July Fireworks, ArtBeat, and the Mayor’s Senior Picnic.
Beginning this week, residents may also request a performance in your neighborhood. Performances are held Monday through Thursday evenings, 7 to 8 p.m., in July and August. Some blackout dates apply, and performance slots fill up quickly. To request a performance, please contact Jackie Rossetti at 617-625-6600 ext. 2614, or e-mailJrossetti@somervillema.gov.
For more information about the Somerville Sunsetters, contact Jimmy Del Ponte at JDelponte@somervillema.gov, or 617-625-6600 ext. 2616.
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