Come join in on the patriotic fun next Monday at Foss Park as Somerville celebrates its Revolutionary War era heritage.
By Rebecca Danvers
The city’s 240th annual Patriots’ Day celebration will be held at Foss Park next Monday, April 20, 10–11:30 a.m.
The day’s events will include Colonial games and songs, light refreshments, youth readings, and a visit from Paul Revere on horseback on his historic ride from Boston to Lexington through Somerville.
Volunteers will be dressed in traditional Colonial attire and attendees are encouraged to do the same.
The event, co-sponsored by the Preservation Commission, Historic Somerville, the Somerville Museum, and East Somerville Main Streets, will begin at 10 a.m. with live music by the Somerville High School band, games and refreshments, followed by a brief speaking agenda with youth poetry readings and the arrival of Paul Revere.
Children will receive a “Colonial Times Passport” and are invited to participate in various Colonial-era games such as Hoops, and Jacob’s Ladder. Children who complete each of the six stations will receive a small prize.
For more information, contact Executive Director Brandon Wilson at 617-625-6600 ext 2532 or bwilson@somervillema.gov or Barbara Mangum, President of Historic Somerville via admin@historicsomerville.org, or 617-625-5809.
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