In collaboration with the Somerville Farm to School Project, the Somerville Family Learning Collaborative held Literacy Pop-Up Events at eight Somerville schools in June 2014 that were attended by over 500 families.
By Melissa E. Pike
In December of 2013, Somerville Public Schools were honored with a $45,000 dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to begin the planning and development of Somerville Farm to School, a recent runner-up winner in the Northeast Farm to School Recipes for Success Contest.
This project began with the idea to bring healthy eating habits to not just the classroom, but to all aspects of students’ lives.
With help from partners including Shape Up Somerville and Groundwork Somerville, and collaborators like Project Bread and UMass Extension, the once mere vision has now blossomed into a reality.
The people behind Somerville’s Farm to School Project believe that achievement is found within three areas: cafeteria, classroom, and community.

Winter Hill Community School’s innovative dish, a grilled cheese sandwich with roasted broccoli.
Winter Hill Community Innovation School recently held a “taste test” for their fourth graders during lunch to introduce a new, healthier option to the common cafeteria favorite, grilled cheese. By simply adding broccoli to the mix, students were exposed to a fresh burst of flavor in addition to fiber and vitamins A and C. The results proved the test to be successful as 77% of participating students voted that they did in fact “like” their schools newest menu item.
Students and staff are now creating School Gardens throughout Somerville, displaying how useful gardens can be as a resource for their schools and community as well as how important it is to support local farmers and economy.
You can stay up to date with all Somerville Farm to School happenings by visiting their blog: SomervilleFarmtoSchool.blogspot.com or you can lend your green thumb and volunteer within the community.
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