Somerville is home to so many fine writers, chances are good you may be one them. Even if you aren’t on the “official program,” perhaps you’ll recite a poem at the Open Mic.
Somerville is home to so many fine writers, chances are good you may be one them. Even if you aren’t on the “official program,” perhaps you’ll recite a poem at the Open Mic.
Lucy Holstedt
Friday evening, it’s the Festival’s first “High School Slam Poetry Competition.” Six teams will compete. The event is hosted by well-known slam poetry organizer “Mr. Hip”; teams represent schools from Brookline, various areas of Boston, plus the North Shore.
I should mention that poet Harris Gardner—who co-founded this annual event— resides here in Somerville. Denise Provost, one of the fine “Featured Poets” on Saturday, lives here as well; of course, she is also a highly regarded State Representative. On Sunday, you won’t want to miss award-winning poet Ifeanyi Menkiti (Somerville resident and owner of the world-famous Grolier Poetry Book Shop).
Ifeanyi Menkiti
Somerville’s Doug Holder, who kindly suggested I write this week’s column, is another exceptional poet you’ll want to hear on Sunday. Doug’s neighbor Bert Stern, a profoundly talented writer, is reading Sunday as well.
NOTE: this is a FREE event, and all are welcome. One reason it’s free is the generosity of various excellent area businesses. In Somerville, many thanks to The Norton Group (real estate), Master Printing & Signs, Blue Cloud Gallery, and Sweet Ginger Thai Cuisine. Thanks also to Union Square’s fantastic Market Basket, for helping with publicity.
In what I call “Greater Somerville,” which includes Cambridge and Boston, special thanks also to Harvard Book Store, boloco, and the Middle East & ZuZu Restaurants and Nightclubs.
I can’t begin to mention everything and everyone this Festival has to offer (a panel discussion on “Craft & Publishing,” a reading by Boston’s new Poet Laureate, book tables, etc.), so you should really check out the Festival’s website.
It’s easy to learn more—including how to sign up for the Open Mic I mentioned at the beginning, plus where and when everything is taking place. Go to : bostonnationalpoetry.wix.com/poetry
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