Lyrical Somerville – March 25

On March 25, 2015, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


We need a spring poem; we need a poem with flowers; we need a poem with a lot of flowers. Deborah Leipziger, a member of Somerville’s literary group the “Bagel Bards” (we meet every Saturday morning at the Au Bon Pain in Davis Square, so why not join us?) sends us a bouquet just in the nick of time. Here is a bit about Deborah below: 

Deborah Leipziger

Deborah Leipziger

Deborah Leipziger is an author and poet. Her poetry has been featured in Ibbetson Street, Voices Israel, Bagels with the Bards, Popt Art, Scribblers on the Roof, The Muddy River Poetry Review, Zingology, Poetic Mindset, Levend Joods Geloof (Netherlands) and on the public television show, Brookline Writes.  Ms. Leipziger is the founder of the Jewish Poetry Fest sponsored by Temple Sinai in Brookline. . 


Daffodil Waves

“The colline were covered in daffodils,”
my Nonna tells me.

Green grows yellow
with swollen seeds. 
How suddenly they open
releasing their egg yolk trumpets.

I am the school girl immersing in daffodil waves.
No, those are my daughters amidst the blooms.   

How quickly change arrives 


— Deborah Leipziger 

First published in Salamander #37 
Fall-Winter 2013-2014



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